Touching the Jaguar

Today, I watched two interviews with John Perkins, former economic hitman and author of several bestselling books, and I would like to share some of his ideas with you. In short, his new book and the expression "Touching the Jaguar" is about transforming fear into positive action through changing perspective, and I thought this fits the challenging times we are facing right now.


For most of us, the happenings of the past few months entailed considerable social and economic changes, and many of us have to look for alternative occupations as a result of the worldwide lockdown. In this situation, you can take two different approaches; either you stay home and mourn the loss of your former life, your job etc. or you take action and go out there to look for opportunities. The latter would correspond to touching the jaguar, that is, changing perspective and thus looking at the crisis from a different angle. 

And that is what I did, too. As owner of a small hostel at the Ecuadorian coast, I was suddenly facing a complete breakdown of the tourism sector right in the middle of the local high season. From one day to the other, we had to close our doors and for almost three months, have not had any guest. Of course, I can wait for the beaches to open again hoping that tourists will come back bit by bit. Or I can touch the jaguar and take advantage of the current situation. Would there be a better moment to restart my coaching activities and follow my true passion? I do not think so!


And what about you? What are your opportunities right now? In order to answer this, John Perkins formulated the following 5 questions:
1. What do you most want to spend the rest of your life doing?
2. How do you tie that in with helping a larger community?
3. What are the "jaguars" (barriers) that hold you back?
4. What "jaguar" can I touch that will change my perception?
5. What actions do I take?

If you are not sure what your true passion and/or barriers are, you might be interested in a 10-day online coaching, which can help you to find the answers to your questions. For more information, have a look at the information on my website or send me a message.